About the strategic plan


I’d like to propose a few items for your consideration in week ahead: 
· I will work with Sandrine to schedule a lunch to further discuss the strategic plan. At that time perhaps we can agree on a way to keep each other informed on weekly activities. I’m concerned that as we go through our efforts to finalize the strategic plan we will miss the activities we are doing on a weekly basis. Let’s discuss how I can report to you weekly on our work etc. 
· Do you want to finalize a strategic plan with our staffs? If so that would seem to be a next step after we agree on the plan.
· After we’ve agreed on a strategic plan and reviewed with staff, I then suggest you meet with the Washington team, including the Embassy, Mac and the consultants, to inform them of the plan and your priorities for the year. I think we should sign off on the strategic plan before you meet with the consultants. That way, in addition to a simple courtesy meeting with them you also will be outlining our plan for the year. I think this will be a very good way to present yourself and the way in which you and I are working together. 
We can close off on these ideas when we next meet. 
Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel, Ret.
President and CEO
The Gabriel Company, LLC
1220 L Street NW, Suite 411
Washington DC, 20005
Phone: +1 202.887.1113
Fax: +1 202.887.1115
Email: ed.gabriel@thegabrielco.com
Website: http://thegabrielco.com


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