Droukdel threatens to burn the armies of France and NATO in Libya

The Emir of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), which later became al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, Abdelmalek Droukdel, alias Abu Mosaab Abdelouadoud, threatened to burn the armies of France and NATO in Libya if they come to think of leading a ground invasion of Libya.

Droukdel said his army « will blow the economies of Western countries », by addressing the economic interests of these countries, like the September 11 attacks against the twin towers in the USA.

The head of a terrorist organization, in an audio recording, threatened to burn the armies of France and the NATO countries if they just think of leading a ground invasion of Libya. These threats come after the fall of Gaddafi and the capture of Tripoli by the insurgents. Droukdel said he sent three messages to the Libyan insurgents, warning against the period after the fall of Kadhafi, which according to him is the most important and most dangerous for the course of events in this country.

Droukdel called on Libyan Salafist groups to work for the establishment of an Islamic state and to choose leaders before adding « to thank God for this victory, we must establish a regime based on Sharia law » and  » So that the tragedy is not repeated in other forms we need to make further efforts and close ranks under honest and trustworthy leaders”.

In addition, Droukdel called on Libyan rebel against the national transitional council (CNT), which he described as an agent of France. « It’s the Libyans to protect their revolution against the disbeliever countries and the servants of France, » he said.

Droukdel also called on Libyans to get rid of attempts to control and hegemony imposed by foreign countries. « No foreign party has the right to interfere in the affairs of Libya or try to impose alternatives, » he added.

Ismail Fellah

Ennahar, 04 October, 2011