The voice of the resistance, Abu Obeida

The voice of the resistance, Abu Obeida

Before addressing the history of this towering figure I want to start with his identity. Not due to a lack of effort from the enemy, his identity remains an absolute mystery. Even his name Abu Obeida is not real, and comes from the companion of the prophet who conquered Al-Quds.

The significance of Abu Obeida and what he represents should not be underestimated. Namely the use of psychological warfare. A game in which the enemy are masters of the highest order and a powerful tool which they often resort to.

Alors que l’ennemi consacre des ressources infinies à la manipulation des médias, il a été vaincu à plusieurs reprises pendant près de deux décennies par un seul homme cachant son visage et entouré de quelques gardes du corps. Exprimé en mots, cela semble absolument ridicule, mais c’est la réalité d’Abu Obeida.

2005. La 2e Intifada vient de se terminer officiellement et l’occupation retire ses forces de Gaza. Un nouveau chapitre de la résistance allait s’écrire et Abou Obeida deviendrait l’un de ses visages. Mais cette vidéo parlant de l’importance des médias de résistance marque ses modestes débuts.

After the 2nd Intifada there was a 16-month long ceasefire which was violated by « Israel » when they massacred a Gazan family. This warranted a great response which was to come in more ways than one.

Operation Shattered Illusion led to the killing of 2 « Israeli » soldiers and the capture of 1. Part of the devastation was not the military value but that the operation was the first big announcement by Abu Obeida. Who is seen walking towards a press conference in the picture.

What followed was a brutal 5 month war by the occupation attempting to capture the one captured soldier. They failed and pulled their troops from Gaza. In the picture we see Abu Obeida standing in the same spot which just hours before was occupied by the « Israeli » forces.

Here Abu Obeida hold up the IDs of killed « Israeli » soldiers after their failed operation to capture Gilad Shalit. Not only were they defeated in the field but now they were defeated in the media war. And the hearts of Palestinians were filled with joy and optimism.

During and after the war the traitors of the PA who ruled jointly with Hamas in Gaza at the time aided the occupation by attacking resistance fighters. It was made clear that they could no longer coexist and a conflict was inevitable. One which Hamas would win.

Here Abu Obeida is pictured in Mahmoud Abbas former residence in Gaza, staring at his portrait. Despite the US and « Israel » going to great lengths to strengthen the PA for them to stop resistance attacks against « Israel » they were defeated resoundingly by Hamas.

Many wars and operations followed with many of them being announced by Abu Obeida. But the most important announcement came in 2020 when « Israel » announced they would annex parts of the West Bank. In response Abu Obeida called it a « declaration of war ».

These were not empty words and threats, it was a guarantee. In 2021 the war of Seif Al-Quds started and Abu Obeida famously said the decision to bomb Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Dimona, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Beersheba was as easy as drinking water for the resistance.

The war not only showed the strength of the resistance in Gaza which had developed exponentially but it also connected Gaza to the West Bank and even the occupied interior. Palestinians rose up in cities like Lod and the West Bank was to start resisting just as Gaza.

2 years passed and the occupation continued violating Al-Aqsa Mosque and violated the prisoners rights more than ever. It seemed as though Gaza would not act at least not for a while. But then early morning on October 7th it happened.

Abu Obeida did not announce Al-Aqsa Flood but his importance during the war has been undeniable. While the enemy started its hysterical, genocidal bombing of Gaza and started their ground invasion the enemy intended to kill the morale of Gaza and its supporters.

But the masked man defeated their plans. Not only did he announce the devastating losses of the invading enemy but his words were often followed by even more incredible footage. That our eyes could barely believe and our were in dire need of.

His impact however is not only limited to morale and instead it directly alters the course of battle in other arenas. For example Abu Obeida said that the West Bank will carry out devastating operations and in the coming days we saw 3 different operations in the region.

Just recently he called upon the people of Jordan to rise and just the day after we saw the biggest crowd so far in Amman. With the people chanting for Abu Obeida.
Many pages of Abu Obeida and the resistance book have yet to be written. But I will end this thread just like he ends all of his speeches.

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