Thank you, Gaza!

Thank you Gaza!

1. Thank you, Gaza. From you, we learned that real soldiers graduate from Surah Al-Anfal and from the Holy Qur’an memorization classes, not from military colleges! We saw your soldiers without elegant suits, no stars on their shoulders, and no medals on their chests, but they were generals!

2. Thank you, Gaza. From you, we learned that whoever wants can, and that the matter is not related to capabilities, but rather to will. Whenever they exist, miracles are achieved, and by God, you are a miracle of this time!

3. Thank you, Gaza. From you we have learned not to be deceived after today by the rights of the child, and they applauded the killing of your children, and they will not enter our homes by the rights of women, as they have remained silent about the killing of your women.. All of these were masks to destroy the family among us, as it is the last of the castles.

4. Thank you, Gaza. From you we learned that poison can be put in honey. Those who insulted our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, under the pretext of freedom of expression, restricted our accounts and deleted our posts when we expressed our opinions while we defend you! And those who called for a single, humane, compassionate and merciful religion, when they saw you being slaughtered, took off their humanity and inferred the necessity of killing you using the Talmud and the distorted Gospel! We are now repeating in a louder voice: You have your religion and I have mine.

5. Thank you, Gaza. From you, we learned that this world is a jungle, and that only the strong are respected in it. The Security Council, the United Nations, and the Human Rights Charter did not stop them on your doorstep. Al-Yassin’s missiles stopped them!

6. Thank you, Gaza. From you, we learned that in the chests of men there are lions crouching, and that when the circumstances were ready for them, they brought back to us the glories of the Companions.. So thanks to Saad at the stoner, who excelled in throwing him – my father and mother – and thanks to the elite forces for what we saw of their bravery, they reminded us – By God – on the day of Uhud, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: What man would sell himself to us? Then Ziyad bin Al-Sakan jumped up and sold it!

7. Thank you, Gaza. From you, we learned that adversity educates, and difficult days refine. Your children grew up before their time. We heard from them the words of men, and your women are virgins who resemble the female companions in their patience, redemption, and submission to God, and your men are mountains.. Who can demolish a mountain!

8. Thank you, Gaza. From you we learned that whenever the Mujahideen were for the people, the people were for them. Your children were killed, so their families were patient and said: The resistance has a ransom! Their homes were demolished, and they said: Pride has a high price! They were harmed in order to disperse from your Mujahideen, and then in war – as they were in peace – the Mujahideen put crowns on their heads… and they are heads worthy of kisses!

9. Thank you, Gaza. From you we learned that this nation lives by blood. We were looking at these poor millions coming and going, but there was a spirit missing from them, then your blood came and breathed the spirit into them! Behind you is a boiling nation, and a bound genie whose time has come to emerge!

10. Thank you, Gaza. From you we learned that crises remove masks and reveal faces for what they really are. How many shoulders we thought fit to lean on are fragile! How many people who were brave in their words became cowards without taking action! How many scholars have we considered divine, but they are bought and sold!

You wanted it as a battle, and God wanted it to be scandalous and to purify the ranks, so now it is only a round in which many people have fallen, and this is better than them slipping away from behind us if the decisive battle comes!

Dr.. Hanan Hassan Issa

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