SADR: resounding diplomatic victory at the United Nations

In its long struggle for national independence and when the Palestinian people is about to return to the United Nations, despite the obstacles and pitfalls of Israel, the people Western Sahara, despite a fierce lobbying from Morocco, won a resounding victory to the United Nations. Indeed, the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations on decolonization adopted in New York, a resolution unequivocally reaffirming the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and independence.

The resolution stresses that it” supports the negotiation process, initiated by resolution 1 754 (2007) and supported by resolutions of the Security Council a 783 (2007), 1 813 (2008), 1 871 (2009), 1 920 (2010) and 1 979 (2011) in order to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable that allows determination of the people of Western Sahara “, while praising the efforts of the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, and his Personal Envoy, Christopher Ross. Recalling the formal and informal meetings held between the Polisario Front and Morocco since 2007, the resolution “calls on all parties and States of the region to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy, and with each other. “
The text reaffirms “the responsibility of the United Nations towards the people of Western Sahara”, and welcomes in this regard, the efforts of the Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy to find the dispute “a political solution that is mutually acceptable and ensures the determination of the people of Western Sahara”. Furthermore, the resolution welcomes the parties have committed to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue “to enter in good faith and without preconditions, in a phase of more intensive negotiations, taking note of efforts and developments since 2006, providing, as well, and the implementation of resolutions of the Security Council and related the success of negotiations. “

The resolution comes after a week of debate by the Member States of the UN and international civil society, in which discussions took place including the internationally renowned Spanish actor, Javier Bardem, who testified about the particular suffering of the Saharawi people but also its determination to live free. As usual, Morocco has defended the “third way” neo he proposes a so-called autonomy that the Sahrawis have rejected raising himself to Gdim Ezik and Dakhla. In this regard, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Saharawi Republic, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek said in New York that the adoption by the UN 4th Committee of the resolution on Western Sahara, is “a significant incentive for hasten the decolonization of Western Sahara, despite the obstacles erected by Morocco. “