The OMDH finally discovered that the DST “torture” in its local

Rabat .- The Moroccan Organization for Human Rights (OMDH), not to be confused with the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (MAHR), wakes up to a few weeks of the legislative elections where his puppeteer, the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP, government) big risk.

OMDH, led by Amina Bouayach, a former adviser to former Prime Minister “socialist” Abderrahman Youssoufi, at the time it closed newspapers and blithely allowed the police to break events, recalled today that the DST, the political police directed by Abdellatif Hammouchi is out of control. What a divine surprise!

It just so valiantly to ask in a statement to say the least fit, or opportunistic, as the work of intelligence is “controlled” and “transparent.” As if he had been in the past when the preferred OMDH was silent or look the other way while the abuse of secret police, which responds to the king, accumulated.

“The granting of the status of judicial police officer to officials of the DST is likely to limit the impunity of those suspected of torture and illegal detention,” said the OMDH , who hopes that this award “is accompanied by a code of conduct for the transparent operation of the DST and the possibility for the prosecutor to conduct unannounced inspections at its premises.” Ya Salam! And why do not you tell us before?

In a report dated October 25, 2010, the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) said, however, that suspected terrorists “are held in a secret facility near Rabat, and are maintained in- beyond the 12 days of custody authorized by law against terrorism “in 2003. When they are not violated (see the dozens of testimonies of victims appeared distributed in Youtube). .

According to HRW, the agents of the DST, whose director is Abdellatif Hammouchi, alias “Moul Kera”, “actively involved in the incarceration of terrorist suspects, their detention and interrogation “.

In May 2011, the youth of the Movement of 20 February, had indeed attempted to get to the gates of the headquarters of the DST in Temara, but they were violently repressed by police.

The director of Moroccan newspaper Al Massae, Rachid Niny was sentenced June 9 to one year in prison for “disinformation”, having written several articles in which he denounced in particular the DST and asked her control by Parliament. It was he who called Abdellatif Hammouchi “Moul kera”, that is to say, the “rapist to the bottle.”