Call for UN to intervene in the town of Dakhla

Chahid El Hafed, 9 oct 2011.- The Council of Ministers of the SADR denounced” the repressive practices perpetrated by the settlers and the Moroccan forces against Sahrawi citizens defenseless in the occupied city of Dakhla since 25 September, “said a statement sanctioning the work of a meeting of the Council of Ministers.
Meeting yesterday under the chairmanship of M. Omar Taleb, the Council of Ministers Saharawi once again demanded the UN urgent intervention in the case of Western Sahara.

Events leading Sahrawi ministers to ask the “lifting of the siege imposed on the media and military in Western Sahara”, the access permission the independent press and international observers, and a mission there to “investigate gross human rights violations committed by Morocco in the occupied cities” of Western Sahara, including Dakhla
In the same vein, the statement condemned” the intransigence of Morocco, which refuses to shed light on the circumstances of the death of the young Saharawi, Said Dembar “assassinated last December by a Moroccan police officer in Laayoune, the capital of Western Sahara, and whose family is awaiting the results of an impartial investigation in order to proceed to the funeral of his son.

He also welcomed the surge of national and international solidarity with the victims of Dakhla and peaceful resistance led by Sahrawis in the occupied territories in southern Morocco and in the Moroccan universities, calling for an immediate end to Moroccan occupation and self-determination of the Saharawi people.
On the political front, leaders Sahrawi expressed their appreciation of the views expressed at the 66th session of the UN General Assembly for the inalienable right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination and independence, and respect for their human rights “pending the completion of the decolonization process of the last colony in Africa.”
The Council of Ministers has finally called for the immediate release of Saharawi political prisoner, Mohamed Yahya Al Hafed Iaaza, and all political prisoners, disclosure of the fate of more than 651 missing, the dismantling of the “wall of shame” Moroccan stop the looting of natural resources and the Sahrawi enlargement of the mandate of MINURSO for the protection of human rights.