Sexual violence is wreaking havoc in southern Morocco

Behind the image of a peaceful kingdom where he would live the Western media are responsible obsequiously to sell to the world, yet hides an ugly world where women did not specifically citizenship. This is the image painted of the Moroccan kingdom to fight against violence against women wanted to expose via a mind-blowing study results.

It shows that, overall, more of 1,500 women in southern Morocco have suffered about 3,300 acts of violence in various forms during 2010. This study in the south including Marrakech, Benguérir, Chichester, Essaouira, Ait Ourir, Ouarzazate, Safi and El Jadida, reported AFP, place ahead of the violence, an economic one that affects 33% of women, followed by emotional abuse with 25.77%, indicating the association Nakhil O for mother and child.

And contrary to popular belief, this violence especially in urban areas. According to the survey conducted between June 2009 and January 2010, conducted on a sample of 8300 women, the majority comes from the urban and 23% of them have “suffered sexual violence at some time or another in their life “. 

62.8% of Moroccan women have suffered violence 
The survey revealed that the forms of violence, the most common and most prevalent is violence “psychological” defined as an “act of control or isolate a woman, and to humiliate or harm to at ease. ” This emotional abuse “button near the 48.4% of women,” had observed the investigation of this HCP adding that she was particularly “in the middle marriage” and “young women aged 18 to 24″ are the main victims, with 23%.

As of sexual violence, “victims (23%) are three times more likely in urban than in rural areas,” according to the survey of the HCP. Moreover, according to statistics of the Moroccan Ministry of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, published to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25), 29 503 acts aggression against women were recorded between October 2008 and September 2009 and 80% of the violence are in the field marriage.

sex tourism in the country of” El Emir Mouaminin … “

The Moroccan Ministry said the cause of the acts declared to be linked to economic reasons and physical but social factors are contribute significantly including addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling and that, add some legal factors. But it is somewhat difficult to attribute the outbreak of violence against women for the sole reason “economic”.

Chérifien Kingdom that the French media present it as love a country virtually Western view of the fact that their visitors could s’ to provide what they want, women are far from Queens. The famous “Moudawana” says women’s rights in Morocco M6 presented as a revolution in the field, is finally only the window dressing.

Voices heard more and more openly denounce sex tourism is practiced in the land of “El Emir Mouaminin” (Commander of believers).

Thenado Daily, 8/10/2011