W/Sahara: ‘US helping Morocco to block referendum’

Oscar-winning actor Javier Bardem has accused France, Spain and the United States of helping Morocco to block Western Sahara efforts to hold a self-determination referendum saying they were looking after their own geo-strategic and economic interests.

Bardem took up the cause of Western Sahara at the United Nations on Tuesday, demanding action to end human rights abuses and allow a self-determination vote in the disputed territory.

Bardem, while going to speak to the UN General Assembly’s decolonization committee about the former Spanish colony annexed by Morocco, said it was time for action now because the people of Western Sahara have been waiting two decades for a chance to decide their future.

The actor, who is making a documentary about Western Sahara, said he would press the UN committee to take action about human rights, about holding a referendum. Morocco moved into Western Sahara in 1975 as Spanish colonists left.

Polisario Front guerrillas fought Moroccan forces until a UN-brokered ceasefire in 1991.

A referendum was part of the deal but has never been held while attempts to reach a permanent peace deal are deadlocked.

Ambassador of the Saharawi Republic to Nigeria, Oubi Bachir, while reacting to the move said the Saharawis will be glad if UN respond promptly to their request adding that they are not demanding for too much but rather for freedom and self determination of their people.

Meanwhile, the Women Advancement for Economic and Leadership Empowerment in Africa (WAELE/ARCELFA) founder/president, Dr. Basirat Nahibi said in Abuja yesterday that her organization is ready to pursue recognition and freedom of the Western Sahara at the UN by mobilizing women all over the world to fight for that cause until they are free from Morocco oppression.

DAILY TRUST, 06/10/2011