Morocco … The blurred image and agitated?

An article on Morocco, in the press this morning is brush mechanical excellence.

Why not talk about the disadvantaged in prostitution to survive while the wren has launched a high-speed train that took the skin of the buttocks?

Morocco is a perpetual ill on a drip while huge sums are swallowed up in Western Sahara to satisfy the whims of the king.

Why not say that Mila and Celta were exchanged Hassan2 (true barter: give and with Spain) against the Western Sahara? and ironically, the people kept in the dark and his eyes pointed to the former Spanish colony for the diversion of two islands offered to Spain.

Poor bled misery: ignorance, poverty, and gender and Western elites know something … is not it?

Why not talk about the abject poverty ravaging the country where prostitution is an industry and where the major part of family practice in full view of everyone?

Westerners, do not they pay a good time with “kids” or daughters of the kingdom?

drug Is not officially grown fruits and vegetables grown elsewhere?

Why not release the Western Sahara as the country has no wealth? Why mobilize a powerful army, while the best was to take the miserable people, slum dwellers, with the money wasted on the whim of the king?

Morocco is a country with two floors are two classes: high, those of the court in an unimaginable luxury. Down, which is the basement, where the destitute people as a prostitute to feed … and, the icing on a cake, M6 has just opened a TGV to modern while the citizen is not even a crust of bread to feed.

Poor realm where even the king, in the words of his subjects, is a gay: does he not look like Cadum baby …?

what do you think? What say you?

Source: Yahoo, 10.01.2011